
About Endocrinologist Department

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At The Modern Hospital Endocrinologist diseases associated with issues with hormones. A hormone is a chemical traveler that travels from one cell to a different. Hormones area unit discharged in one a part of the body, travel within the blood stream and have a control on alternative a part of the body. This helps completely different components of the physical structure to speak with one another. Hormones area unit secreted by endocrine glands, like the pituitary, thyroid or adrenal glands. Not all glands area unit classified as endocrine glands; as an example, sweat glands or bodily fluid glands aren't endocrine glands. The medical science of medical specialty involves the diagnostic analysis of a large style of symptoms and variations and therefore the semi permanent management of disorders of deficiency or more than than way over one or more hormones. This would possibly involve injection with a motivating agent to check the perform of associate endocrine organ. Blood is then sampled to assess the changes of the relevant hormones or metabolites.


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